المملكة العربية السعودية

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

احتفالاً باليوم الوطني السعودي، نقدم إليكم عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي،إذ يعد اليوم الذي ينتظره جميع طوائف الشعب بفارغ الصبر، لذا نستعرض سوياً اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي، وشعر عن اليوم الوطني 91 بالانجليزي.

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

National Day in Saudi Arabia is celebrated with great zeal. There are many celebrations that take place in September. Millions in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are waiting for the 91st Saudi Arabia National Day for the year 1443, which is a day that represents a special occasion for the Saudis because it coincides with the day of the unification of the kingdom and bearing its current name. The Saudi Arabia National Day is one of the most important official holidays in Saudi Arabia, as it has many rituals and traditions, including the establishment of celebrations and events throughout the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in .addition to being considered an official holiday

إقرأ أيضا:تقديم طلب تجنيس في السعودية 2022

اليوم الوطني السعودي91

Actually, every country has many great events and we wait for this glorious anniversary every year and warm our hearts with pleasure. On  the National Day of Saudi Arabia, We remember great achievements
. Now it is time to contribute and rise up towards the protection it from any danger
Let us celebrate the anniversary of Saudi Arabia National Day full of happiness and at the same, we must feel very proud of our country and We must take the pledge of fulfilling all our responsibilities towards our
.All the citizens of Saudi Arabia must be active and participate together to achieve progress and prosperity
. The citizens of Saudi Arabia will always stay one hand and united to protect their country from evil
What can I do for my country this is the question that all people of Saudi Arabia must ask themselves on the anniversary of the Nation Day
.We must let our patriotism spread everywhere on the Nation Day of
. Saudi Arabia will always occupy a great position and it will stay considered as the home of greatness

عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي

.We thank Allah for this great anniversary

إقرأ أيضا:شروط طلب زيارة عائلية من وزارة الخارجية السعودية 1442 والرسوم الخاصة بها

. This anniversary passes on us each year to make us so happy

.The colour green must be recurring in National Day

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrates the National Day every year and hold many celebrations with joy

.and pleasure

On the National Day of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, citizens are proud of their country, and they determined to

.elevate Saudi Arabia forever

The homeland must be cherished throughout the ages, and not allowed

.to anyone to control it

.On National Day, We must teach children to love their country

Saudi Arabia celebrates the Saudi National Day on September 23 of each year, a date that dates back to the royal king Abdul- Aziz Number 2716, and the date of JAMAD Al-Awaala 1, 1351, Which stipulated the transfer of the name

.of the state from the kingdom of Hejaz, Najd, and its annexes, to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

.Nation Day of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important events in Saudi’s history

.In addition, this day lasts for several days until the end of September 23

إقرأ أيضا:ما هي تخصصات جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن للبنات

. National Day includes various events that are held in all regions of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia

شعر عن اليوم الوطني السعودي  بالانجليزي

.Our beloved homeland, we belong to you with pride, and we put your name as a crown above our heads

.The struggle for the homeland is an honourable act

.In order to live in peace and harmony, we must be one hand, one nation and have one national flag

.National Day is a great day that we can not forget it

اليوم الوطني 91 بالانجليزي

Today, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing a distinguished present, looking forward to a more great future, full of confidence.

The reign of Abdullah bin Abdelaziz witnessed more giant developmental achievements across the country, including, education, health, transportation, industry, electricity, water, agriculture and economy

We pray to God on that great anniversary that Saudi Arabia and its citizens live in happiness and health. for many years.

في نهاية هذا المقال، قدمنا إليكم عبارات عن اليوم الوطني بالانجليزي، إذ أشرنا خلال السطور السابقة ضرورة الاعتزاز بالوطن والتمسك به طوال العمر، وكل عام والشعب السعودي حكماً وشعباً بألف خير وأمان يعم أرجاء المملكة.

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